The following is a commentary on those leaving Christianity specifically in the ever-diversifying world of secularization and religious extremism, both being knee-jerks to each other, and fueling further spirits of hatred among humanity. This commentary has been adopted and ratified by the Apostolic Synod of Antioch, in collective.
Since the dawn of the Enlightenment—even prior to this—the internal issues of Christianity, such as zealotry to the degree of the Pharisees and laziness to the degree of the Sadducees has splintered the faithful, scattering the sheep almost seemingly beyond return. Hearkening to the issues plaguing Christendom, it has dawned within the hearts of many clergy and laity that among the youth especially, apostasy has quickened throughout the globe.
Apostasy has quickened throughout the globe with the rise of irreligion and atheism as the foundations for Christian families have been usurped for individualism; no longer have parents or guardians also raised their little ones in the faith, but forbidding them coming to Jesus and causing their souls to become admonished with the worldly things evermore strongly out of a desire to either send their own to church without attending themselves, or even forgoing properly assembling. Through these methods of usurping community for individuality among families, the plague of toxic individualism has spread itself near and far, with no one having a logical defense of the faith as Holy Scripture entails while being all things to all people, per Apostle Paul. The lack of this logical defense and humility in missionary work, in turn, then gives way to succumbing to self-destruction at the hands of those who are different than them as they age and move elsewhere.
Additionally, the zealous hypocrisy as written about previously have served impetus to the decline of Christendom, which those within the whole Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church have been reproved of in order to restore, not destroy in the name of God. From homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, colorism and other racial or ethnic prejudices, discrimination and insulting toward those in fornication to the point of false sexual purity promises, and worst of all—politics—those who say they are of the Church of Jesus the Christ seem to have forgotten to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints of God with lovingkindness yet boldness.
As such, abandoning the woes of naturalism as the world also upholds through the shell of denying the supernatural against a decaying, hopeless existence in a material universe waiting to be restored by God at His Second Coming, to understanding such spiritual and other sufferings have all been self-inflicted that God shows toward His own to strike themselves and learn in being humbled from prideful intent, the call to properly apologizing for such woes, repentance for these shameful things, and refocusing on spiritual restoration in the Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church, and even those other Christian churches must be prioritized.
It must be prioritized because sacrificing self-destructive passions and "a better life without God"—such a red herring upholding the supernatural and doctrines found within Holy Scripture—those in the world as it nears an end may seek to change within themselves for the better through the Light of God shining within every so-called Christian. They may seek to change themselves because God has drawn to them through the testimonial example of others not causing hurt among the faithful and those discerning the faith, nor further damaging hopes of the Divine in others who have no faith at all, yet even a mustard seed. In essence, they may seek to change themselves ultimately because for once, someone who professes God the Father, and the Lord Jesus the Christ through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, finally practices their faith truthfully with good fruits from those they raise to adulthood and those befriending them—even those who spite them, offering the olive branch of the Blessed Hope.